Sometimes to me it seems like everyone that plays in the NFl or NBA are spoiled athletes with no morals.( not to mention overpayed...) But I was so impressed with Eli Manning last night; they won the superbowl this last year so obviously all eyes are on him and some have even said that he has now proven himself to be better then his brother, Peyton. Well they played they Browns last night, and Eli threw more interceptions combined than he has in the last 11 games, which they have all won. Anyway, because I was forced to listen to the after game analysis(thankyou, Joel), I heard Steve Young say that the last interception thrown was obviously not his fault, because his team mate had run the wrong route. But Eli, being the good guy that he is, when asked by the media what happened on that last play, he immediately said, I just threw a bad pass...and in defense of Eli, I said, Joel, I thought they said that it wasn't his fault? And Joel replied, well that's what a good team leader does, sometimes he takes the fall for his teammates. So obviously I will never be a team leader because I wanted to call ESPN and say IT WASN'T HIS FAULT!!!! Needless to say, I have a newfound respect for the Manning family for teaching good morals and leadership skills; and for all the funny commercials they do together. My fav. is the one where it shows Eli and Peyton at home still sleeping in bunkbeds together...too funny!!!!!!